Message from the heart of Da'ee Ahmed Moait in Medina
This is a message from my heart, the heart of Da’ee Ahmed Moait, to my wife, daughter, son, to my brother in Islam, and my sister in Islam. I have a question for you:
“You listened to me for years, you received the message. You promised me to support me, you promised me to be with me, you promised me to be with the message, you promised me to be with me in jannah. Why did you betray me? Why did you lie to me? Why did you break all your promises? If I do not deserve it, if I am not a good person, if you see faults in me, you promised to keep your word and commitment for Allah, for the message of Allah. If you die tonight, do you have the answer? Can you say, he is or she is, or are we responsible for our commitment and our promises. Or, do we want to meet Allah as a betrayer and a liar?”
Do you know who has done this to me? Do you want to know the name or the person? Do you want to know who betrayed me? Do you want me to give you her name or his name? It’s me and you, all of us. We are a betrayer of the message, of our commitment of our own wording. We betrayed our own relative and friends. We betrayed our neighbors, we betrayed mankind. Do you have the intelligent answer? Can you debate the Angel in the grave? Can you debate Allah (subhana wa ta’ala)? If you cannot, please my advice to you, from the depths of my heart to you, from Medina Minawara in the blessing time of Dhul Hijjja:
Go take a ghusl, go to Allah and humble yourself to Allah. Allah will give you basira (vision). Always fight shaytaan. Wake up before its too late, humble yourself, Allah will elevate you. Be honest to yourself, don’t betray yourself. Before you betray others, you betray yourself. Today you have a chance, tomorrow you don’t.
From the depth of my heart, hopefully to your heart: Humble and Humility. Remember goodness, ask Allah to open your heart, to show you the truth without any agenda. Allah will open for you, just call Him. Remember me, remember my advice in the past and how it used to work all the time: humble and humility, generosity and goodness, forgiveness and sincerity. It’s the core of opening from Allah to you. I beg you for Allah, I love you for Allah. Don’t torture yourself in this life and in the hereafter because of arrogance, envy, and jealousy. My dear sister and brother in Islam, this is a serious message, it came to me in Medina Munawara. I am sick and tired, but I cannot go to sleep, I have to send you this message: The message of forgiveness, the message of humble and humility, the message of generosity, a message to keep your word, keep your commitment and don't betray it.
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