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You made it to our All New Audio library! An Audio collection of many important lectures. Audio of sessions in which we could not capture a video.
May Allah swt take us from this world when He is most pleased with us InShaAllah
May Allah swt take us from this world when He is most pleased with us InShaAllah
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I was scared of asking Allah swt to take me because of my sins
and status of my heart and my diseases. What will I do if He takes me now? I have done nothing to earn His Pleasure.
You said, you can't wait to meet Allah swt....
How did you get to that point? I am so scared of meeting Him because I know my faults and sins and what's scarier is that He knows my flaws better than me.
My crimes against Allah swt are so great that I get scared when I think that I will die and I will meet Him
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Some of the Most Dangerous Verses in the Qur’an
Messages, Warnings and Advices
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In a condition when the condition of heart is constantly changing how can I make sure that my ending wil
be upon the pleasure of Allah? It's so scary Shaikh. What will happen to me? What will be my ending? In which hand will I receive my book?
I am doing nothing for it Shaikh.
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Being busy with Allah swt.
Being busy with Allah swt
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You have to know that the state of your soul and yourself is according to who you spend your time with
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In few months Insha'Allah I and most of us will enter Ramadan.
May Allah allow us to enter this great month with His pleasure. S
haikh I want to prepare myself for this Ramadan Insha'Allah.
This Ramadan would be a unique Ramadan when half of the ummah of Rasool Allah are under
tremendous pain and the rest half after in tremendous heedlessness. And unfortunately I am among those. May Allah save me.
So what homework I should engage myself in?
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Advice for all the volunteers
Today's message and advice from Shaikh Ahmed for all the volunteers on field and otherwise -
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