Welcome to the Audio Library!
You made it to our All New Audio library! An Audio collection of many important lectures. Audio of sessions in which we could not capture a video.
History. Hurricanes. Knowledge. Will of Allah swt. Kingdoms. Elite powers. Wisdom of Allah swt.
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the questions of "Why o why"?!
Why am I blind? Why don't I move despite hearing to the messages of Allah swt ?
Why do I not have isteqama? Why don't I move towards action after knowing the condition of the Ummah?
Why do I not make any effort to change after I know my weaknesses ?
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A continuation of the above subject, "why"
A continuation of the above subject, "why"
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A message for all..
Are we really ready for goodness and knowledge?
Are we ready to change?
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We always want new knowledge
A reminder for those who want to be reminded!
chapter Al-Hajj
chapter Al-Mu'minoon
We always want new knowledge, but did we ever think about fulfilling the previous reminders?
Do we copy the footsteps of Adam AS or like Shaitan ?
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From the Quran -
Chapter Al - Hajj
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Continuation of Chapter Al Hajj,
The Satan casts trials and doubts for those in whose hearts are diseases and those whose hearts are hardened.
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We are accountable for our Mujahada
When we study in Islam, we are not accountable of the outcome or the ending.
We are accountable for our Mujahada, our struggle!
If you want to achieve something, be it anything, one needs to put in hard work and try the utmost
The Shaytan has a job and he's doing it, the enemy of Islam have a job and they are doing it.
Me and you as Muslims and believers have a job and responsibility, what are we doing?
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Chapter An Noor
danger of spreading rumour or lie without verifying.
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Today we can.. Tomorrow we cannot!
Today we can.. Tomorrow we cannot!
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