Try a Video Series:
From Darkness to Light (11)
Dawah (Invitation) to Allah (3)
Family Series (8)
HAJJ (4)
Different Holidays and What They Mean (3)
Important Manners & Issues that Have Been Forgotten (7)
The Life of Messengers and Prophets (14)
JINN (2)
The Condition of the Ummah- Where are We Going? (16)
Da'ee Ahmed Moait Overseas (7)
Queens College - Open Dialogue (12)
Journey in the Valley of the Qur'an (4)
Our Journey of Building a Muslim and Muslima- The Nucleus of the Muslim Ummah (18)
Why I Became Muslim? A Message From New Muslims (3)
Jewels and Wisdom- Journey in the Revelation of the Qur'an (16)
Message of the Message (1)
The Final Chapter (6)
Ramadan Series (1)
Series: Our Journey of Building a Muslim and a Muslima - The Nucleus of the Muslim Ummah (18 Sessions)
The nucleus of any society is the family, and that's no different for the Muslim Ummah. This series is a step by step guide to stregnthening and building the most essential yet neglected part of our Ummah: the Muslim and the Muslima.
Session 9: Where We Start - Sacrifice
So you want to start your journey? Remember the key to soaring high, sacrifice. Watch this video to learn more.
Take this series step by step and let us know about the results, Allah willing.
Duration: 1hr 30mins |
Click on 'Play' to stream video or right-click on 'download' and click 'save target as' to download file to your own computer |
If your connection is slow (dial-up), try downloading lowquality files instead of high quality. |
Session 10: The War the Enemy and the Weapons
We're at war! But not the way you think, no no no. Find out the details of this war, your enemy, and the weapons you need to fight.
Take this series step by step and let us know about the results, Allah willing.
Duration: 1hr 48mins |
Click on 'Play' to stream video or right-click on 'download' and click 'save target as' to download file to your own computer |
If your connection is slow (dial-up), try downloading lowquality files instead of high quality. |
Session 11: Shirk - Partner With Allah
It's great to have partners, they help you with work and give you company, but there can be NO partners with Allah! Watch this video to find out the many countless ways we commit shirk on a daily, or even hourly, basis.
Take this series step by step and let us know about the results, Allah willing.
Duration: 1hr 32mins |
Click on 'Play' to stream video or right-click on 'download' and click 'save target as' to download file to your own computer |
If your connection is slow (dial-up), try downloading lowquality files instead of high quality. |
Session 12: Iman Vs. Nifaq - Munafiqeen
Session 12 of 18 in this critical series about building the most essential parts of our Ummah, the Muslim and the Muslima.
Take this series step by step and let us know about the results, Allah willing.
Duration: 1hr 50mins |
Click on 'Play' to stream video or right-click on 'download' and click 'save target as' to download file to your own computer |
If your connection is slow (dial-up), try downloading lowquality files instead of high quality. |