Fires In Israel, Syria, Turkey, California, Argentina, Spain, and Lebanon, 2020, Oct 1-10.
Firefighters are battling multiple wildfires across Israel , syria , turkey, lebanon , 9 oct 2020
Wildfires erupt in Mount Lebanon area after heatwave hits country
Extreme Footage! Crazy Hurricane DELTA in Louisiana, USA (Oct 9, 2020)
Hurricane Delta Massive Storm Surge And Eye, Creole, LA 10/9/2020
تناقض الإنجيل قادها إلى اعتناق الاسلام Bible contradictions lead her to Islam True
French Rap Star converted to Islam
قسيس بالفاتيكان يعتنق الإسلام ويعترف انه الدين الأسرع أنتشاراً فى العالم A priest in the Vatican converts to Islam and recognizes that it is the fastest growing religion in the world
لماذا دخل الاسلام راين هاريس لاعب ومحترف لكرة القدم الامريكية ؟ استمعوا منه Why did Ryan Harris, a player and professional American football player, enter Islam? Hear from him
Major storm brings destruction to parts of France and Italy
Abdulhamid's Dua(Pray)
Two killed, 24 missing in severe floods in Italy and France
Haj Khamis Yahya passed away just days ago while reading Quran - What great fortune MashaAllah?
The murder of Jamal Khashoggi | DW Documentary
Kingdom of Silence: 2 Years After Khashoggi Murder, New Film Explores Deadly U.S.-Saudi Alliance
االله اكبر قصة اسلام هذه المراة عبرة للمسلم وغير المسلم ولدت بعائلة ملحدة غضب عليها اهلها لانها اسلمت God is the greatest, the story of Islam This woman is a lesson for the Muslim and non-Muslim. She was born into an atheist family whose people were angry at her because she became Muslim
From Christian Missionary to Islam
جينفر فتاة ابوها قسيس وامها مبشره لكنهم فشلوا فى إقناعها بالمسيحية فأعلنت إسلامها Jennifer is a girl whose father is a priest and her mother is a missionary, but they failed to convince her to convert to Christianity and she declared her conversion to Islam.
كيندل أمريكية سمعت آيه من سورة البقرة جعلتها تتقبل كل الإبتلاءات فى حياتها وتعتنق الإسلام An American Kendall who heard a verse from Surat Al-Baqara that made her accept all the tribulations in her life and convert to Islam
From a Barkeeper to a Devout Muslim || Caroline's Convert Story