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From Darkness to Light (11)

Dawah (Invitation) to Allah (3)

Family Series (8)

HAJJ (4)

Different Holidays and What They Mean (3)

Important Manners & Issues that Have Been Forgotten (7)

The Life of Messengers and Prophets (14)

JINN (2)

The Condition of the Ummah- Where are We Going? (16)

Da'ee Ahmed Moait Overseas (7)

Queens College - Open Dialogue (12)

Journey in the Valley of the Qur'an (4)

Our Journey of Building a Muslim and Muslima- The Nucleus of the Muslim Ummah (18)

Why I Became Muslim? A Message From New Muslims (3)

Jewels and Wisdom- Journey in the Revelation of the Qur'an (16)

Message of the Message (1)

The Final Chapter (6)

Ramadan Series (1)




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An Audio collection of many important lectures.
Audio of sessions in which we could not capture a video.

Aina an Najah

Aina an Najah

We are surrounded by the bounty of Allah swt

Go anywhere! we are surrounded by the bounty of Allah swt but we lack gratitude and are in heedlessness. Alhamdulillah to Allah for the niyama of Islam which is more than sufficient. Take Islam away, what's left in life? What's left after life?

Sins is heavier than the weight of my tawba

I have a thought that I want to share with you... Lately, I just feel so much sorrow at my life and how it has been progressing. I am not in the state of ingratitude but sheer disappointment of how I never learn my lesson. I keep committing the same sins despite me asking Allah swt for tawba. And I keep feeling this burden on me about the sins I have and the weaknesses and the diseases. I keep asking Allah swt for tawba and I ask Him for his help and then I slip again and I become stupid again... I'm so scared and sad that my tawba and my efforts to seek it are so weak that may be Allah swt has not given me tawba yet. These days I keep thinking, what if Allah swt has rejected me, that's why I feel so much sadness and I can't get my act together. May be my arrogance and nafs is so high that my tawba is not good enough. It's such a lonely feeling to feel that the weight of my sins is heavier than the weight of my tawba. How do I overcome this? How do I instill the remembrance of Allah's mercy in all my thoughts and become more vigilant about my tawba to him? Forgive me, I don't know if I make sense to you. But this is my thought process, please correct me. JazakAllah Khair

Sins is heavier than the weight of my tawba - Part 2

I have a thought that I want to share with you... Lately, I just feel so much sorrow at my life and how it has been progressing. I am not in the state of ingratitude but sheer disappointment of how I never learn my lesson. I keep committing the same sins despite me asking Allah swt for tawba. And I keep feeling this burden on me about the sins I have and the weaknesses and the diseases. I keep asking Allah swt for tawba and I ask Him for his help and then I slip again and I become stupid again... I'm so scared and sad that my tawba and my efforts to seek it are so weak that may be Allah swt has not given me tawba yet. These days I keep thinking, what if Allah swt has rejected me, that's why I feel so much sadness and I can't get my act together. May be my arrogance and nafs is so high that my tawba is not good enough. It's such a lonely feeling to feel that the weight of my sins is heavier than the weight of my tawba. How do I overcome this? How do I instill the remembrance of Allah's mercy in all my thoughts and become more vigilant about my tawba to him? Forgive me, I don't know if I make sense to you. But this is my thought process, please correct me.

Disease of Talking

The only problem I suffer from now is my disease of talking. How do I stop talking. I talk too much. I don't think before I talk and regret much after talking. I have my days where I am quiet and then days when I talk a lot and for no good reason. How do I physically control my tongue- on any matter? How do I discipline my tongue. Because I'm starting to believe that in my life my doom is not going to be my actions as much as my tongue. Please help me in this.

Drama Queens or is it Lack of Emaan?

Drama Queens or is it Lack of Emaan?

Some people grow in age but not in maturity

Question - some people grow in age but not in maturity and still act like children! What's this all about

For Aleppo

The real victory is when we leave this Duniya when Allah swt is pleased with us! The real victory is because of the weak among us .

A very powerful one!

A very powerful one! Are we awake only during a crisis and forget the message the rest of the time?!!!

Are we living the message

Are we living the message or are we living in reaction to everything around us?

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