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You made it to our All New Audio library! An Audio collection of many important lectures. Audio of sessions in which we could not capture a video.
Time! Are we approaching end of time
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Priority! Time! Effort! Relationships! Focus!
Priority! Time! Effort! Relationships! Focus! Listen to the several accounts during the time of Rasoolullah Saw.. A message......
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My Goal! My Pillar! Today I can, tomorrow I cannot
My Goal! My Pillar! Today I can, tomorrow I cannot
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How do I know whether I'm falling in the fitnah or passing the fitnah?
How do I know whether I'm falling in the fitnah or passing the fitnah?
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Today we can, tomorrow we cannot !
I'm saving this message to hear it every day!
Today we can, tomorrow we cannot !
Ya Allah don't make me rely on myself even for a split second!
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One of the biggest oppression is to oppress yourself and make wrong decisions in the wrong time and always choose what destroys you!
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What is one of the most beloved actions to Allah swt?
Today we can, tomorrow we cannot.
Very soon we are coming, according to Rasoolullah SAW, the most beloved days to Allah swt - the first ten days of Dhul Hijjah!
What is one of the most beloved actions to Allah swt?
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Wonderful reminders that we all need.
Eid Al Adha
Wonderful reminders that we all need.
May Allah swt accept from all who are doing good and put sincerity and ease in their actions InShaAllah.
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Can you sacrifice your Duniya for your Akhira?
Show Allah swt the best of you in these beloved days to Allah swt.
The day celebrated for sacrifice! can you sacrifice your Duniya for your Akhira?
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Is it Sunnah fasting - first ten days
Question 1 -
Can we pray in a moving vehicle?
If yes what are rulings.
If not, then why?
Question 2 -
Is it Sunnah fasting - first ten days or till eid in this month. let me know the correct ruling of this.
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