Try a Video Series:
From Darkness to Light (11)
Dawah (Invitation) to Allah (3)
Family Series (8)
HAJJ (4)
Different Holidays and What They Mean (3)
Important Manners & Issues that Have Been Forgotten (7)
The Life of Messengers and Prophets (14)
JINN (2)
The Condition of the Ummah- Where are We Going? (16)
Da'ee Ahmed Moait Overseas (7)
Queens College - Open Dialogue (12)
Journey in the Valley of the Qur'an (4)
Our Journey of Building a Muslim and Muslima- The Nucleus of the Muslim Ummah (18)
Why I Became Muslim? A Message From New Muslims (3)
Jewels and Wisdom- Journey in the Revelation of the Qur'an (16)
Message of the Message (1)
The Final Chapter (6)
Ramadan Series (1)
Welcome to the Audio Library!
You made it to our All New Audio library! An Audio collection of many important lectures. Audio of sessions in which we could not capture a video.
Question from a brother - Surah Kahf
Question from a brother - When I was reading Surah Kahf verses 46 to 50,
instead of shaking me and making me alert about the meeting with my Lord- Allah (S.W.T),
I felt that I'm being lax and negligent. Sometimes alert but most of the time in heedlessness. What disease is this and where am I going?
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Quranic verses comprehend
Quranic verses comprehend and contemplate
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One of the enlightening messages you'll ever hear, especially as a parent, as a community and as an Ummah!
We need each other to develop not just ourselves but also our children.
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A dream, an episode and a message!
A dream, an episode and a message!
Companions had different opinions too, but they were never divided. This message is a must for all of us, especially during these end times!
take some time out, listen to this message and read "The Book of End"
We need each other to be United
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A very powerful message for all !
A very powerful message for all ! whether you are an individual or someone looking for marriage, as a parent to be or already one ...
As sisters, as brothers and as a whole Ummah.
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How can a slave reach the level of ihsan
How can a slave reach the level of ihsan in which he worships Allah swt as if he is seeing Allah,
when Allah SWT in Qur'an says that no eyes can behold him?
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Ultimate bounty is Hidaya!
Ultimate bounty is Hidaya! A Mu'min does not rely on good deeds , because even good deeds can be rejected!
The answers to questions is not just a statement, but the answers are in our struggles towards Allah swt.
Ubudiyya is not a talk but a status inside!
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One of the beautiful question by a sister -
How to make sure that I don't get any thoughts of work during my Salah? I will be working and when I go to Salah I think about what I'm doing during work.
How to be free from all the activities in daily life and get my Salah.
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Question from a sister -
" I was just wondering, when a situation happens, why are some people instead of going closer to Allah they are going farther away from Him,
does this mean they are worshipping Allah on the edge, when I see this happening in front of my eyes it scares me,
I fear that at this moment if I say or give advice, they may say something which will anger Allah, in this case should I stick to only dua for that person."
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